Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to build your dream house

 - Part 1 -

 Purchasing plot, preparing design and entrusting a contractor

It is the most important  dream of every person to have a suitable and convenient house to live with his wife and children. In this period of atomic families it will be very difficult to get any support t or help form friends or relatives. It will also be very difficult to understand and execute the different processes involved in constructing a house. I am going to give a brief summary of the different kinds of actions to be taken and the different processes involved in constructing a house for personal use. The topics are divided into as detailed below.

1. Building your dream house

2.Buying of a house plot

3.Designing and constructing a house

4.How to obtain a house loan

4. Construction of house on contract basis

5. Construction of house on labour contract basis

Now I will explain all these topics one by one in detail

1. Building your dream house

Different steps you will have to take in fulfilling your dream of owning a house are explained step by step.

Selection of plot

If you do not posses any land which is either inherited or acquired by you, then you will have to buy a plot of land for the purpose of construction of the house. It is advisable that you may seek professional help in this matter as a lot of matters which require expertise are involved in the selection of a plot for the construction of a house. Some of them are given below.

(a) Soil type: The nature and suitability of the soil for the construction of the proposed house is an important matter which needs the advice of a professional or an experienced person.

(b) Applicability of local rules and building rules: Whether the land you are going to purchase is covered by any of the provisions of the related laws which may make it impossible to get a building permit is a matter to be ascertained before purchasing the land.

© Appicabiltiy of Vasthu Sasthra: Vasthu Sasthra is an ancient sasthra which prescribes certain norms to be followed while constructing a house. So it is better that you consult a Vasthu Sasthre expert and ascertain the clearance in that point of view. If you overlook this aspect, it may become an unsolvable and  never ending headache for the persons who will be living in the house to  be constructed.

(d) Whether level land or plain land: This is another important aspect which has to be considered before purchasing a plot of land. Mild slopping is no problem as it can be adjusted in the preparation of the land or when the house is constructed. But a land with steap slop is not recommended for house construction as it will cause hurdles in the design point of view and it will be very uncomfortable for the persons who will be living there.

(e)Shape and dimension of the plot: It is always advisable to buy rectangular or square plots for house construction. But as it is not always possible to get such plots you can also go for other types of plots, but it is always advisable that you show the plot of land you are going to buy to your architect and get his opinion as plot once bought cannot be changed at your will and pleasure.

2. Checking the correctness of the title deed

If you are going to purchase a plot of land for constructing your house you have to scrutunise the validity of the title deed by a practicing lawyer who is conversant with civil laws. Type of deed, whether any encumbrances or attachments are pending, whether the plot you are going to purchase is the same plot mentioned in the title deed itself , previous title deeds through which the property came to the possession and ownership of the present owner etc, has to be examined in details and his concurrence in the mater has to be obtained before giving advance for a plot of land.

Whether the land you are going to purchase is notified for some public purpose such as construction of roads or for other public purpose has also to be taken into account. Another important factor is the document that will be written for registering the land in your name. Any omission or unwanted entry in the document has to be avoided and no important matter should be left out also. This can be taken care of by an honest document writer.

Preparation of a basic plan of your house

Most important part in the construction of a house is the preparation of basic plan of the house. This task has to be completed after discussing with your family members what are the requirements needed in your proposed house. Your wife and children who are going to live in that house has to be given an opportunity to express their ideas and requirements in the new house to be constructed. Of course, you will have to take the final decision in consultation with your architect as the cost that you can afford forms the vital guiding factor in deciding the facilities that have to be provided in the building. Unavoidable requirements have to be met immediately and  provisions may be provided for future development.

Site visit by the architect

It is very important that the architect who is going to design your house has to visit the site and understand the lay out and connectivity and the land condition of the plot so that he can apply this information in designing the house properly.  The knowledge of the roads to the house, the nature of the land like the trees in the plot and whether there is any water logging etc will be beneficial for him to decide how the house should be designed and which will be the apt position for different categories of rooms like dining, drawing, living, sleeping rooms etc. If the architect is having knowledge about the principles of Vasthu Shastra, then it will be an added advantage. Otherwise the owner would have to approach a Vasthu expert with the proposed plan, get his opinion and make necessary corrections in the plan as suggested by him. Even though some young turks may neglect and would not give due importance to this aspect, it is better that you do not under estimate the importance of Vasthu consideration as once the building is completed it will be very difficult to incorporate the Vasthu details in that finished house.

Finalising the plan

Architect will prepare a draft plan based on the information received by you. In this plan the position of rooms, its dimensions, position of doors and windows, toilets, car porch etc. will be clearly marked. You can discuss the matter with the architect and he will be able to answer your queries and after this discussion you can show this plan to your family members, their ideas and interests can also be understood. It is always advisable that you may show this plan to another architect or person who is well versed in building of houses. The suggestions and opinion of this person can be discussed with your architect and this will help the consolidation and proper selection of ideas.

Cost estimation

Estimating the cost of construction of the house as per the plan prepared is one of the most important aspects of house construction. Once the plan is finalised, it is advisable that the cost estimation of the structural part of the building may be done in detail as no compromise is possible in this matter . After finishing the structural work, cost estimation of the interior and finishing parts can be taken up, taking to account your present financial capacity as expenditure in this work can be minimised which will affect the look of the house, but the work can be completed immediately and further additions can be done as they become financially viable.

Selecting a contractor

Selecting a good contractor is a very important matter in the construction of a house. A contractor who is well experienced and who follow the quality guidelines prescribed by the architect and who is reliable will be the most suitable person. You should not merely go for the cheapest person in the field.
It is always better that you avail the service  of a professional agency like us which will not cost you much and which will help you very  much to face the difficult  and unfamiliar situation without much anxiety and losses

For further details call me in my mobile number 9605933311

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